1. If unfortunately you have to cancel an order, kindly do so before your order is shipped.
    2. To cancel an order please email us and mention your order number in the email or call on customer support number.
    3. If you cancel your order before it is shipped, we will refund you the entire amount
    4. If you cancel your order after it is shipped, we will cut the ₹100 shipping charge.


      1. No Return and refund on this offer but If you think, you have received the product in a bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to accept the package and return the package to the delivery person. Also, please email us at support@aadhitri.com mentioning your Order ID.
      2. We will personally ensure that a brand new replacement is issued to you with no additional cost.


        1. No Exchange on this offer.


      • QUESTIONS :
      If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at: